Biblical Womanhood, Quiet Time, Thinking Biblically

The Delight of My Heart

(photo credit: wazoo75) . When people begin to talk about their relationship with the Lord, and their time in the Word and in prayer with excitement and passion, do you find yourself eagerly nodding in understanding and agreement?   . Or…do you cross your arms and roll your eyes, assuming it must be forced, and phony.  After all, no one is …

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90 Day Bible, Quiet Time, The Lord's Day, Thinking Biblically

Ezra’s Example

“For Ezra had set his heart to study the law of the Lord, and to do it and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel.” Ezra 7:10 .  Ezra set his heart – he made a decision, firmly, and intentionally purposed in his heart – to study God’s Word.  . To study is “to apply oneself to acquiring a knowledge …

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