I voted. It is a simple statement. But, at the same time, it isn’t. The stakes are incredibly high, as they are in every election. It is both a great privilege and responsibility. For me, it is one that has always been rooted in conscience and conviction. I voted for imperfect (every single one of them!) people and policies, …
Resurrection Rolls
I don’t know where the original recipe, or idea came from. I have seen them online – on blogs, Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram – for years. And, last year, my youngest had just turned 4, I finally decided to try making “Resurrection Rolls” with the kids. All of the recipes called for canned crescent rolls…and despite making a special trip to the …
Currently Reading ~ 2020
Do you have any hobbies? I usually answer that question by saying that reading is at the top of my list. But, really, it is the only thing on my list. I have always considered myself a bookworm, who didn’t have, or want, any other hobbies. At the end of each year, I like to make 2 lists: one of the books I …
90-Day Chronological Bible Reading Plan
Maybe it was just typical end of the year anticipation…looking forward to a New Year, a re-set, and a fresh start. Or, maybe it was boredom….being outside of of our normal structures and routines. (I don’t do “rest” well.) Whatever the reason, as the end of 2019 approached, I found myself needing to rearrange furniture, organize all of the toys, clothes, and books, re-evaluate …
Pastor Appreciation Month
Did you know that October is Pastor Appreciation Month? It’s one of those things that I tend to lump with all of the other Hallmark-invented “holidays.†Which, translated, means that I don’t really pay too much attention to them….and usually end up forgetting all about them. But, still… “We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and …