Quotes, The Lord's Day


“Our Lord attracted sinners because He was different.  They drew near to Him because they felt that there was something different about Him….And the world always expects us to be different.  This idea that you are going to win people to the Christian faith by showing them that after all you are remarkably like them, is theologically and psychologically a profound blunder.”


~Martin Lloyd-Jones (as quoted in Ashamed of the Gospel, pg. 31)


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Veronica. Veronica said: New at A Quiet Heart:: Different http://www.aquietheart.com/?p=2986 […]

  2. Yes, indeed. Wise words well worth hearing and heeding. So often I want the same things my unsaved friends and neighbors want! Help me, Lord, to live distinct as belonging to You!

  3. SUE

    What a great quote! I’m just stopping by from iFellowship to say hello.

    Blessings to you,
    Sue 🙂

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