Surely, you have heard some rendition of Jeff Foxworthy’s “You might be a redneck” jokes. Along those same lines, I present, for your amusement: You might be a Calvinist if… …you send your mother tulips on Mother’s Day. …you purchased an MP3 player for the sole purpose of downloading sermons. …you adjusted the default settings at Biblegateway from “NIV” to …
Physical Evidence…
Because, sometimes we all need a good laugh…even if it is at our own expense… My sweet friend, Jules, has tagged me in this fun little meme demanding physical evidence as answers to the following questions.  How about photographic evidence? 1.  What could serve as physical evidence that you sometimes lose focus? . Um…How about this: . . Or …
Star Struck
On Saturday, I found out about this: . My all-time, favorite singer/songwriter was going to be 20 minutes away!!  No, it wasn’t a concert… Sadly, attending a Steven Curtis Chapman concert will remain on my “bucket list” for a while longer.  . But… .  . . We did get to meet him!! . . And, I got his newest album – …
Wordless Wednesday: Kermit
If you’ve known me for any length of time (or if you’ve read my “random things about me” list), you’ll know that I like frogs. Â Actually, I collect them…though not usually the live variety! . Anymore. . But, I did when I was little… . Where was I going with this (not-so) “wordless” post? . Oh, yes. Â This cute little …