We weren’t in the path of totality, but I still thought it would be fun (and yes, even though we haven’t started school yet) educational, for the kids to watch a solar eclipse. A friend gave us 2 pairs of Eclipse Glasses. But, I was still hesitant to encourage my kids to look at the sun. Even through safety glasses. …
Rachel’s Minnie Mouse Birthday
I like to save the “big” decorations for birthday party time. But, I do like to a few fun decorations up when the birthday boy or girl wakes up on their birthday. Once they are able to express an opinion about it, I more or less let them choose the theme of their birthday parties. But, until then, it is …
Christmas Day
Christmas is my favorite holiday. I took hundreds of pictures. Yes. Hundreds…with an s. But, I won’t subject you to all of them (unless we’re friends on Facebook, then you’ve already seen them all!). Here is just a little glimpse of our day… Before…complete with Christmas music and a fire in our TV fireplace. We started out the morning opening stockings… Then, …
Hannah’s 10th Birthday
Hannah is quite the little party planner! {And, as an afterthought, I may have made a mistake introducing my artsy-crafty girl to the world of Pinterest.} She had the decorations, guest list, food, cake, and activities planned for months! Actually, her organization and detailed lists, along with Grandma’s help, were the only reason we were even able to pull off a party less …
(Saw this on Facebook this afternoon, and it was just too good not to share!)