Quotes, The Lord's Day

Count the Cost

“It costs something to be a true Christian.  Let that never be forgotten.  To be a mere nominal Christian, and go to Church, is cheap and easy work.  But to hear Christ’s voice, and follow Christ, and believe in Christ, and confess Christ, requires much self-denial.  It will cost us our sins, and our self-righteousness, and our ease, and our worldliness.  All – all must …

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Biblical Womanhood, Currently Reading, Life in Ministry, Quiet Time, Quotes, Thinking Biblically

What Ought A Saved Man to Do?

We hear a great deal about people’s intentions, and hopes, and wishes, and feelings, and professions.  It would be well if we could hear more about people’s practice.  It is not the servant who is found wishing and professing, but the servant who is found “doing” whom Jesus calls “blessed.”  . The lesson is one which many, unhappily, shrink from …

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