Traditions & Celebrations

Merry (Early) Christmas!

Jason’s family came to visit! Sadly, they could not stay through the 25th, so, we decided celebrate (a slightly early) Christmas while they were here…complete with gift exchange… There were cuddly toys, games, and soft new blankets for a special little girl. Pictures of said special little girl for the grandparents…and something to display Mommy’s many, many pictures of family and …

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Life, Life in Ministry, Traditions & Celebrations

Ladies’ Christmas Dessert

  The ladies of Way of Grace came together to celebrate the birth of Christ… Each table was decorated with a Nativity Scene centerpiece provided by the table hostess.  Each one was unique, and the tables were beautiful! We shared conversations and fellowship over some yummy desserts! Sue shared her beautiful voice, and lead us in singing Christmas carols!! Our speaker challenged …

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Traditions & Celebrations

This Is How We Christmas: “Decorations”

Last week, the theme for Lisa’s blog party was “Quirky Traditions.”  The sad part was, none of my traditions were reallyall that quirky.  Anything I thought of that might be considered “quirky,” had more to do with my décor (if you can really even call it that).  So, even though this week’s theme is actually “Decorations,” this is probably where you’ll get …

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