Hannah Elisabeth, Life

Sleeping Beauty

Every afternoon, Hannah has “quiet play,” where she spends about 30 minutes to an hour playing quietly in her room.  During “quiet play” she is free to play, in her room, with whatever she likes - toys, books, games, dress-up – as long as she does it quietly.  Can you tell that we have been working on the “quiet” part?!  She likes to pop her head out of her room at 5-minute intervals, and ask if she can come out.  (Funny, any other time of the day, she loves playing in her room!!)

When I went in to tell her that quiet play was over, this is what I found:

Poor Sleeping Beauty!  I guess that explains why it was so quiet!  Actually, she hadn’t been asleep for long…as you can probably tell from the mess behind her, she had been pretty busy. :)