Biblical Womanhood, Life in Ministry, Marriage, Mommyhood, Pastor's Wife, Summer Challenge, Thinking Biblically

Summer Challenge: The Details

backlit-beach-boy-694587sumer-challengeSo…How does this work? Well, that’s a good question. There really aren’t any hard and fast rules.

Well, okay. I guess there are 2. Only 2!

First, pick just one thing. If you’re like me, you probably thought of about 10 different areas that you would like to work on. That’s great. Keep a list. Challenge yourself again in the future! But, for now, one thing. Don’t get overly ambitious. Don’t try to multi-task. Take this time to focus on just one thing, one area.

And, second, it has to be something related to an area of spiritual growth. I realize that leaves a lot of leeway. Wouldn’t it be better if we all did the same thing? Maybe. But, not necessarily. While every Christian should be growing, we all grow at different rates, and are all at different points in our spiritual life. I cannot lift the same amount of weight that my husband does. He is much stronger than I am. If I tried to match him pound for pound, I would give up before I even got started (and hurt myself trying!). But, he doesn’t even break a sweat lifting my tiny little dumbbells. He wouldn’t get any stronger doing my “workout.”  So it is with this. You have to start where you are. Push yourself…to the point of growth, but not to the point of discouragement or burnout.

The challenge will run for 3 months: from June 1st through August 31st, 2018. Technically, that is 92 days, and, actually works out to a little over 13 weeks…not 12 like I said in my original post.

And, that’s really it…

But, while I wouldn’t consider these “rules,” I would like to encourage you to do a few more things throughout the challenge:

  1. Share what you have chosen to focus on this summer, and how you plan to accomplish it! Share it here in the comments…share it in a post on your own blog (be sure to link back so we can follow along!)…share it on Facebook. This isn’t about pride, spiritual bragging rights, or “one upsmanship.” It is simply about accountability. Let people in. Let them know what you are doing, and let them hold you accountable. (Who knows, you might even inspire someone else to join you!)
  2. Update! Tell people how it is going! As the summer goes on, share what you’re learning, how you have been encouraged, and yes….even where you are struggling. Let’s encourage one another, and learn from one another!
  3. At the end, take some time to evaluate how the challenge went. Did you accomplish what you set out to do?
    If so, what changes did you see in your spiritual life as a result? Were they what you expected…or were they different?
    If not, why? What happened?
    Either way, what did you learn? How did you grow? And, how will you continue to apply what you learned beyond the summer.

I am so excited to begin my own challenge…which I will be sharing in an upcoming post. And, I hope you are prayerfully considering, and looking forward to yours as well.