Biblical Womanhood, Currently Reading, Life, Life in Ministry, Mommyhood, Pastor's Wife, Summer Challenge, Thinking Biblically

Summer Challenge: Praying for my Children

I a7CD740FF-88E7-4374-A7ED-E959DB5ABA9Dm so excited about my project for this summer!

Praying for our children kind of goes without saying when you’re a mom (or a dad). But, often I feel like I am just “winging it,” with the same old requests for health, safety, and salvation each day. (And, of course, for patience for myself throughout the day!)

I want to be more intentional in my prayer time for the precious lives that the Lord has entrusted to my care each day. So, this summer, I am challenging myself to be more disciplined, not just in how and when I am praying, but also in what I am praying for.

When 2 different friends separately recommended this book, within 24 hours of each other, I knew it was exactly what I wanted to do.

I will be reading (and praying!) Through Nancy Guthrie’s The One Year Praying through the Bible for your Kids. Yes, I realize this is a One Year plan. The pages are dated, so I’ll be doing something I usually would recommend against doing, and starting in the middle of the book…on June 1st.

What are you doing this summer?